We are always looking at ways to improve and develop our company, customer service and experience. We know the best way to do this is to listen to our customers so decided we would team up with Feefo, the global ratings and reviews provider.

This gives you, our customer the opportunity to let us know how we are performing and what they think of the equipment you have purchased.

Using this invaluable information will allow us to develop as a team and company to give our customers the very best experience.

After a purchase Feefo will send out a feedback request via email giving you the option to respond.

We understand how many emails you receive but we can assure you, it only takes seconds to complete and encourage all of our customers to take part as it will help us to be more effective for you.

As an added incentive for anybody who is kind enough to respond, we will give you £10.00 off your next purchase.

Please help us offer you the very best in customer service.

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